MechWarrior Online Support Page
Contact MechWarrior Online Support
For questions and issues regarding your MechWarrior Online account, such as account recovery, inventory questions, etc.
For Billing questions and issues, such as missing content, cancelling an eligible purchase, etc.
For Moderation reports and questions, such as reporting a player for misconduct, inquiring about an action, etc.
For Technical issues and questions, such as installation, stability and performance, and connectivity
For any General questions and issues not associated with other Support categories
For questions regarding privacy, such as data privacy concerns/protection
Recent Technical Articles
Error Code 0x0800763
posted in [ Technical ]
Q: Why am I encountering Error Code 0x0800763 when attempting to install/patch? This error is usually reported when there is a fundamental issue with the Microsoft installer system, often related to some...
Black Screen at launch
posted in [ Technical ]
Q: Why am I encountering a Black Screen When Launching MWO? It's likely that your video settings for MWO are set in such a way that the client isn't able to render correctly. Your video settings are stored...
FPS Issues
posted in [ Technical ]
Q: Why is my FPS lower than it used to be? If you are running MWO through the standalone client please try running your Repair Tool: Repair tool can be found by navigating to the folder where...
MD5 Hash Mismatch Error Message
posted in [ Technical ]
Q: Why am I encountering an MD5 Hash Mismatch Error Message? The most common cause for the MD5 error is a firewall or anti-virus software interfering with the download/patch process. Please attempt...
Refund Policies
posted in [ Billing ]
Q: Am I able to get a refund for a Collection if necessary? Refunds are granted without issue in cases where none of the Collection content has yet been delivered. If your Collection content has been...
Merging Accounts
posted in [ Accounts ]
Q: I own two accounts. Can I merge them, or transfer content between them? We do not support merging or content transfers between accounts.
Lost Account
posted in [ Accounts ]
Q: I've lost my account, or can't remember details such as the e-mail or Pilot Name. Can you help me track it down? If you are unable to recall the details of an account created in the past please...
New player posting privileges
posted in [ Accounts ]
Q: I've just created an account, but I can't post on the forums. Is there an issue? You must play at least one match before gaining posting access to the New Player sub-forum. Posting outside of the New Player...
Reporting Players for misconduct
posted in [ Moderation ]
Q: How do I report a player for misconduct? Game related Reports Please report offensive users via our in-game report system by selecting the offensive pilot's name (which can be accessed by using...
Premium Time
posted in [ General ]
Q: What is Premium Time and how does it work? Premium Time provides you with a 50% boost on all C-Bill and XP rewards while activated. Premium Time is a subscription service Any Premium Time...
For any Feedback related to MechWarrior Online