Hotfix Date and Time - May 31st 2022 @ 10AM – 10:30AM PDT
Version Number:
Size: 8 MB
Please note that due to compression differences the Steam patch size may be larger than the standalone client patch size.
Patch Files (Direct Download) - http://patcher.mwomercs.com/patch/Production/frontend/FrontendPatch_401.zip
We are implementing a hotfix today that includes the following changes:
- Fixed an issue where the Map/Mode multiplier was not working
- Fixed an issue where users could not redeem Steam DLC purchases
- Fixed an audio issue where Command Wheel dialogue did not play
- Fixed an audio issue where Bitching Betty did not play
- Fixed the Invalid Skill Tree error
- Fixed an issue where Laser AMS was broken text in the Weapons Panel
- Fixed an issue where the C-Bill multiplier at End of Match screen displays base total before multiplier rather than the bonus earned
- Fixed an issue where Faction Play group drop decks were overlapping with the Event Queue
- Fixed an issue where Event Queue was affected by Faction Play Loyalty selections
Thank you for your patience!
-The MWO Team