Greetings MechWarriors!
With so much happening we have decided to make one master post for you to refer to for all of the Holiday Events, Sales and Promos we have running during the Holiday Season! Keep an eye on this post so you don't miss a thing!
Merry Mech-mas from the MechWarrior Online Team!
~~~~~~~~ EVENTS ~~~~~~~~

Get the New Years XPerience with Double XP and Double XP Conversion!

If you own the Hatamoto or the Charger
~~~~~~~~ Sales ~~~~~~~~

33% off Solaris 7 Hero Pack
with regional pricing!

BUY MC and Get 30% Bonus MC and Bonus Content
50% off Select Hero Mechs and
50% off Select Champion Mechs
~~~~~~~~ MECH PRE-ORDERS ~~~~~~~~

Early Adopter Deadline is Dec. 31st 11:59:59 PM PST (Jan. 1st 7:59:59 AM UTC)

Early Adopter Deadline is Dec. 31st 11:59:59 PM PST (Jan. 1st 7:59:59 AM UTC)