You can check out our previous December Roadmap and Beyond post here for a full 2016 retrospective.

In regards to the Clan XL change, the balance dynamic between Inner Sphere and Clans is something that we have and will continue to evaluate heavily. This adjustment to Clan XL cooling efficiency is a step in that process, making the loss of a Side Torso more impactful on the performance of Clan ‘Mechs.
Beyond this change we have identified some larger balance points that we will be pushing after the release of the Skill Tree system, which will see some critical changes to the overall Clan vs. IS dynamic. More details will be provided about these changes after the release of the new Skill Tree, within the new context of balance introduced by the release of that feature.
We will continue to heavily examine the overall balance between the Inner Sphere and Clan factions through 2017, and adjust as needed.
Participants of the MechWarrior Online World Championships are already somewhat familiar with this new launcher for the standalone MWO client, but as of the January patch we are introducing a brand new launcher/patcher for the standalone (non-Steam) MWO client.
The Home and Faction Play screens are receiving some new audio in the January patch, with the addition of new ambient music tracks for both screens.
As promised near the end of 2016 we will be announcing a new Inner Sphere Light ‘Mech this month, set to be launched for pre-order in the third week of January. As mentioned in the introduction of this Roadmap we have been deeply evaluating the current model of ‘Mech releases, both in terms of their structure and in their content. Based on those evaluations the Light ‘Mech you’ll see announced in January will likely be the last installment of our current single ‘Mech system, originally introduced with the launch of the UrbanMech back in 2015 and continued with the majority of our ‘Mech releases since.

A post was initially planned for release prior to the PTS, but with changes and improvements to the Skill Tree build still underway, a post coinciding with the PTS will be more reflective of the build you'll see.

Incursion Game Mode
(previously the Assault revamp)
A revamp of the Assault Game Mode has been underway for some time now, and
we are fast approaching the home stretch. You can check out an advance look at
the upcoming Assault revamp from the teaser video we released at Mech_Con 2016 here, though we want to
point out that the final design of the mode will differ slightly from the build
seen in that teaser.
While we are not quite ready to detail the full mechanics of this new mode, we do have two new updates for you on its progress.
The first is that we have decided to reframe this revamp as a
whole new game mode entirely distinct from the existing Assault mode it grew
from. As a result, we have named this new game mode Incursion.
With the final design of Incursion expanding well beyond the initial framework set
by the current Assault mode, we are planning to retain the existing
Assault as an available game mode in MWO after the release of Incursion.
The second is in regards to its release date. Our most
recent messaging from Mech_Con regarding the release of the Assault revamp (now
Incursion) was rather definitively slating a March release, but as a result of subsequent
alterations to the design of Incursion we are now set for an April
The delay is unfortunate, and we apologize for another delay of this
long-awaited release, but the game mode will greatly benefit from this slight extension
in development time.
Faction Play Event
and Reward Updates
Special Events and unique, short-term Conflicts are the next major step in
the development of Faction Play Phase 4 feature-sets. Before we reach that
stage however we need to do some work behind the scenes to expand upon the Faction
Play UI and our internal toolsets to allow for greater detail, substance, and
control with these events than what the current Faction Play Conflict systems
can provide.
Our goal is to integrate special events more seamlessly into the Faction Play interface, providing better context, more lore presence, and improved reward incentives behind each event. You can see part of our inspiration for these special events in previous official events such as Tukayyid, the ComStar Intercept program, and community-created Events, such as the recent Operation Great Dane.
Additionally, general changes and improvements to Faction Play reward systems are also a priority for 2017, with particular attention toward Loyalist career rewards and incentives.
At the time of this Roadmap we aren’t yet in a stage where we can provide solid ETAs for the above items, so keep an eye out for more details and developments future in Roadmaps.
Global/Floating Chat
Additional improvements to the in-game chat systems are slated for release
by March, providing new levels of persistence and refinement to the frontend
chat systems.
Improved Spectator
The Private Match Spectator system received a lot of use during the
MechWarrior Online World Championships, and an array of improvements are in
store for 2017 to improve the system further.
‘Mech IK
As with Incursion, the restoration of 'Mech IK was a feature we had
originally intended to implement earlier in 2016. The performance concerns that
initially spurred its removal back in 2012 have been addressed, but some
concerns about the aesthetics of IK behavior with certain 'Mechs on certain
environmental objects delayed its release, and subsequent priorities have
pushed it a little further into the future.
We’d like to apologize to all the
players who have been looking forward to IKs release since our past
announcements of its reintegration into MWO. IK is still planned for release in
2017, but no solid ETA is available at this time.
Upcoming ‘Mechs
Supernova, releasing in February
Assassin, releasing in March
Roughneck, releasing in April
Javelin, releasing in May
Unannounced Inner Sphere Hero ‘Mechs, set for pre-order launch in March
Unannounced Clan Hero ‘Mechs, set for pre-order launch this April
And finally, a special announcement….
For some time now, the selection of weapons and equipment technology in MechWarrior Online has been an ongoing discussion, both internally here at Piranha Games and in discussions throughout the community. Not since the Clan Invasion have we seen a major release of advanced technology onto the battlefields of the Inner Sphere.
The time has come for a new era of ‘Mech warfare.
This March, we will be detailing the mid-summer release of new Inner Sphere and Clan weaponry and equipment for MechWarrior Online. The timeline is advancing, and with it comes not only a new array of potential weapons and equipment technology with which to customize your existing ‘Mechs, but the potential for an array of new and remarkable ‘Mechs to pilot and customize.
Coinciding with the early March announcement of these new technologies, four new ‘Mechs will be announced and launched for pre-order to herald this new era. The Inner Sphere and Clans will both be receiving two ‘Mechs, with at least one of their two respective ‘Mechs hailing from the 3060+ era.
While these ‘Mechs and new technologies will be released simultaneously in the summer, the technologies are not reliant or restricted to the new ‘Mechs. Upon release, the MechLab will simply be expanded with new weapons, new equipment, and new opportunities for customization.
These new technologies will no doubt represent a big step
forward in build diversity and gameplay, and it must be stressed that we are committed
to ensuring that the introduction of these new technologies doesn’t upend or
undo the work that has gone into the current state of balance.
While it remains to be seen how this timeline advancement will impact Faction
Play and its current layout, we'll evaluate and discuss its potential impacts with you as we
approach closer to release.
We hope you’ve enjoyed this glimpse of what’s coming for
MechWarrior Online, and as usual, the items above are only a selection of
things you can expect to see in 2017.
The year is shaping up to include more
waves of quality-of-life improvements and refinements, along with additional features
and items currently in the planning and design phase; so stay tuned
A new era approaches.