Please note that due to compression differences the Steam patch size may be larger than the standalone client patch size.
Quick Links
• Decals
• Supply Caches
• Viper
• New Cockpit Items, Badges, and Titles
• Standard Variants of 2015 Loyalty 'Mechs in Gift Store
• Viridian Bog Update
• Chat Fixes and Changes
• Faction Play Fixes and Changes
• Gameplay and Quirks
• Save system improvements
• Quick Play Leaderboard Changes
• Map Fixes and Changes
• 'Mech Fixes and Changes
• 'Mech Pattern Retrofits
• MechLab Fixes and Changes
• Other Fixes and Changes
• Known Issues
• Patch Files (Direct Download)
Greetings MechWarriors,
The Viper has arrived, and is now en-route to the MechBays of eligible MechWarriors. While relatively under-armed and under-armored for its weight, this fast and maneuverable 40-ton Clan Medium boasts a low profile and impressive jump capabilities. Like its namesake, the Viper excels at quick strikes and constant maneuvering. In the right hands, the Viper can be a powerful force on the battlefields of the Inner Sphere.
With the introduction of the Camo Spec Decal system in this patch, a new era of player customization begins. This initial release includes 93 Decals in total with which to deck out your 'Mechs with some unique flair. We are very excited to see how you all choose to make your 'Mechs stand out on the battlefields of the Inner Sphere! It must be said, of course, that Decal placement is subject to adherence to the Code of Conduct....
The release of the new Supply Cache system in this patch will provide a new opportunity for winning and receiving bonus content from your winning matches. At the end of each Quick Play and Faction Play (Invasion Game Mode) match, one player from the winning Team will be randomly awarded a Supply Cache. Purchasing a Supply Cache Key from the in-game Store will allow you to unlock a Supply Cache you've received for the chance at awesome loot! Supply Caches themselves can also simply be sold in-game for 50,000 C-Bills each if you do not wish to unlock them. Check out the Supply Caches section of these Patch Notes for all the details.
Informed by the feedback received in our recent Feedback and Thoughts thread, Viridian Bog has received a traversal, gameplay, and beautification pass in this patch. The primary focus here was to improve traversal throughout the map and improve the balance of central terrain features between the two Team spawns. We also took this opportunity to implement some improvements to Viridian’s aesthetics. Check out the Viridian Bog Update section of these Patch Notes for all the details.
The base variants introduced as part of the 2015 Loyalty Program are now available for purchase in the Gift Store! While these variants do not include the C-Bill Boost and unique Loyalty Pattern of their Loyalty counterparts, we know everyone is still looking forward to jetting around in the CDA-3F. These variants will be made available for in-game purchase starting in August.
The system for saving changes to your 'Mechs has undergone a significant technical overhaul for this patch. Save times will be drastically reduced for players with large Inventories of 'Mechs and Equipment. This overhaul also tackles some long-standing Invalid 'Mech issues that could be caused by saving errors under the original system. Check out the Save System Improvements section of these Patch Notes for a detailed rundown!
The Jenner, King Crab, and UrbanMech are receiving Pattern retrofits in this patch, with Faction Pattern support for the Jenner and standard Pattern support for the King Crab and UrbanMech. More Pattern retrofits for remaining 'Mechs will continue to arrive in future patches!
Rounding out the patch we have some quality of life improvements to the in-match chat system, the introduction of a toggle for the display of Faction Play Call To Arms notices, the addition of a Call To Arms section to the Faction Play Planet Finder, a Quirk pass for fifteen 'Mechs, a slight improvement to 'Mech texture brightness under certain lighting conditions, and an array of quality of live improvements for maps, 'Mechs, MechLab, and more.
Read on for all the details, and we'll see you on the battlefield!
- The MechWarrior Team
The Camo Spec 'Mech Decal customization system is now available! Decals have been a long-requested customization feature, and we are very excited to see how you all choose to make your 'Mechs stand out on the battlefields of the Inner Sphere. While this initial release of the Decal system comes with a total of 93 Decals, the selection of Decals will continue to grow in future patches.
There are three ‘classes’ of Decal:
• Basic (180 MC)
• Special (500 MC)
• Premium (1250 MC)
This initial release contains 67 'Basic' and 26 'Special' Decals. The Premium class of Decals will be reserved for unique and outstanding Decals to be released in the future.
All Decals are single-purchase Unlockable items; once purchased they can be applied to as many ‘Mechs as you wish as often as you wish.
In light of the customization options inherent with any layered Decal system, we must stress that the use of Decals is subject to adherence to the Code of Conduct. Violations of the Code of Conduct through the inappropriate use of Decals are subject to moderation.
Placing Decals
Each 'Mech has six available Decal Slots, all of which are available for use from the outset. Decals can be layered over each other to create distinctive arrangements and patterns. Slot 1 is the top Decal layer, and layering priority descends from that order. Slot 1 Decals will appear over Slots 2-6, Slot 2 over Slots 3-6, and so on.
When an Empty Slot is selected and a Decal is chosen from
the Warehouse you will immediately enter 'Edit Mode'. From here you can scale,
rotate, apply the Decal, or cancel out of Edit Mode.
When hovering over areas of a 'Mech where Decals cannot be placed the Decal you
are applying will be replaced with an Invalid symbol. When the area is valid,
the Decal will appear as normal. If you find your intended placement is invalid
you may need to decrease the scale of the Decal. In other cases, that portion
of 'Mech geometry may not support the placement of Decals.
Once you're satisfied with your Decal simply double-click your mouse to commit
its placement. Once a Decal placement is committed you will automatically exit
Edit Mode.
You can see a demonstration of how the Decal system works in the WebM video
provided below. Set it to full-screen for the best experience (there is no audio in this video).
Edit Mode Controls
Mouse Wheel Up/Down: Scale Up/Down
A: Rotate Left
D: Rotate Right
Escape: Cancel Edit Mode
F: Flip
While it is shown in the example video above, the Flip command is unfortunately not included in this build. We are aiming to introduce Decal flipping in the August patch.
Modifying a Placed Decal
Once a Decal has been placed it can be edited, removed, or changed to another Decal.
To edit a placed Decal simply click the Edit button for that Slot.
This will place you into Edit Mode for your chosen Decal.
To swap an already placed Decal with another, simply choose the Decal Slot you wish to change and select another Decal from the Warehouse. This will apply the new Decal to that Slot with same scale, rotation, position, and orientation of the original. This is a quick and easy way to see what other Decals look like in an occupied Decal Slot without requiring you to manually add the Decal through Edit Mod.
To remove a Decal, simply select the Decal Slot and click the 'Restore to Default' hex underneath the main Decal hex.
Decal Colors
Decals utilize the same Color system as Patterns. Any Colors you already own, or any Colors you purchase, are applicable to both Patterns and Decals.
Decals that support custom Colors are currently single-channel items. To apply a Color to a Decal simply click the 'Edit Colors' button inside the Decals window. From there you can preview and apply Colors for your Decals.
The majority of Decals are 'colorable'; their default Color
can be changed using the standard Color swatches.
Certain Decals, such as Faction Decals and Unit Decals, are color-locked. Their
Colors cannot be modified.
Supply Caches
The new Supply Cache system will provide an opportunity for winning and receiving bonus content from your winning matches. At the end of each Quick Play and Faction Play (Invasion Game Mode) match, one player from the winning Team will be randomly awarded a Supply Cache. Purchasing a Supply Cache Key from the in-game Store will allow you to unlock a Supply Cache you've received for the chance at awesome loot! Supply Caches themselves can also simply be sold in-game for 50,000 C-Bills if you do not wish to unlock it.
You can see a demonstration of how the Supply Cache unlock system works in the WebM video provided below. Set it to full-screen, and with audio, for the best experience!
Earning & Unlocking Supply Caches
At the end of each Quick Play and Faction Play Invasion
round, one Supply Cache will be randomly awarded to a player from the winning
Team. At the End of Round screen a pop-up will distinguish the recipient.
There are currently no match performance conditions necessary for being
eligible to receive the Supply Cache; you simply need to be on the winning
However, if a player incurs a Disconnect Penalty during the match that player
will not be eligible for being awarded a Supply Cache. Additionally, dying as a
result of Out of Bound Destruction will also render a player ineligible for being
awarded a Supply Cache.
Upon returning to MechLab, the winning recipient of the Supply Cache will receive a final confirmation that they have been rewarded with a Supply Cache.
Supply Caches are accessed through the Inventory > Supply Cache section of the Home screen. From here you can view how many Supply Cache Keys and un-opened Supply Caches you possess. Opening a Supply Cache always requires a Supply Cache Key!
Prior to unlocking a Supply Cache with a Supply Cache Key you will be able to examine its contents. If you do not desire any of the Items in a Supply Cache or if you otherwise do not wish to keep it, Supply Caches can be sold outright for 50,000 C-Bills.
Supply Cache Keys
Opening a Supply Cache requires that you purchase a Supply Cache Key. Supply Cache Keys can be purchased through the in-game Store in the following allotments:
• 1 Supply Cache Key - 25 MC
• 3 Supply Cache Keys - 75 MC
• 5 Supply Cache Keys - 125 MC
• 10 Supply Cache Keys - 250 MC
Single Supply Cache Keys can also be purchased directly when viewing the contents of a Supply Cache through your Inventory.
Though the MC-per-dollar rate is affected by which tier of MC pack is purchased, the averaged dollar value of a single Supply Cache Key is approximately 9 cents USD.
Balancing Cost with Reward
For some of the higher-value items you can acquire from a Supply Cache, such as a Summoner SMN-D (including a Mech Bay to house it) or a 1000 MC pack, the value of a Supply Cache Reward can far exceed the value of the Supply Cache Key used to unlock it. The more valuable the item however, the rarer it will be!
In addition to high-value items Supply Caches will contain items on the lower end of the currency value spectrum, such as an SRM 4 or a Targeting Computer MkIV. If you have no use for those items as equipment you can choose to sell them back for C-Bills through your Inventory screen.
In the case of the SRM 4 and TC, both with a standard purchase cost of 120,000 C-Bills each, their re-sale values would be 60,000 C-Bills. With a Supply Cache Key cost of 25 MC this translates to approximately 2,400 C-Bills received per MC spent; better than the 1,375 C-Bills-per-MC value you would receive from acquiring a 1,100,000 C-Bill Pack for 800 MC!
Supply Cache Contents
Supply Caches can currently contain the following items, with more to be added in future patches (such as Colors, Patterns, and Decals):
• Weapons
• Equipment
• Engines
• Modules
• OmniPods
• Cockpit Items
• Active Premium Time
• C-Bill Rewards
• GXP Rewards
• MC Rewards
• 'Mech Bays
• 'Mechs (includes a Mech Bay!)
• Supply Cache Keys (Single Keys and Bundles)
New 'Mech
One of the first OmniMechs designed by Clan Fire Mandrill (a Homeworld Clan whose bid to participate in Operation REVIVAL failed), the Viper was a superb success. While under-armed and under-armored for its weight, it made up for such deficiencies with an amazing top speed of 129 kilometers per hour and a stunning jump capacity of 240 meters. Despite such quick-strike capacity, the model ultimately fell out of favor and was gifted to Clan Ghost Bear as part of a larger production deal. However, in less than half a century, the production might of Clan Ghost Bear transformed the Viper - designated “Dragonfly” by Inner Sphere forces - into one of the premier medium-class OmniMechs for a variety of Clans, including Clan Wolf.
The complete list of Viper Quirks can be found in the Clan Quirk document located in the Quirks section of these Patch Notes.
Release Date for MC: October 4th 2016
Release Date for C-Bills: November 1st 2016
Viper Module Slots (all variants)
• 'Mech Module Slot(s): 1
• Weapon Module Slot(s): 2
• Consumable Slot(s): 2
• 'Mech/Weapon Slot(s): 1 (only available after unlocking that variants
Mastery Skill tier)
Viper Variants
• VPR-Prime [S]
The VPR-Prime [S] is a Special version of the VPR-Prime, featuring a unique
Pattern and a 30% boost to C-Bill earnings. The VPR-Prime [S] is only available
through the Collector Viper Pack, and will not be made available for purchase
• VPR-Prime
The VPR-Prime is the standard version of the VPR-Prime [S]. It does not possess
the 30% C-Bill boost or the unique Pattern of its [S] counterpart. Until its
release date for in-game purchase the standard VPR-Prime is only available through
the Standard Viper Pack.
Until its release date for in-game purchase the VPR-A is only available through
the Standard or Collector Viper Pack.
Until its release date for in-game purchase the VPR-B is only available through
the Standard or Collector Viper Pack.
• VPR-C (Reinforcements Add-On)
Until its release date for in-game purchase the VPR-C is only available as a
Reinforcement Add-On to an existing Standard or Collector Viper Pack.
• VPR-D (Reinforcements Add-On)
Until its release date for in-game purchase the VPR-D is only available as a
Reinforcement Add-On to an existing Standard or Collector Viper Pack.
• VPR-M "Medusa" (Hero Add-On)
The VPR-M is the Hero variant of the Viper, featuring a unique Hero
Pattern and a 30% boost to C-Bill earnings. Until its release date for in-game
purchase the VPR-M is only available as a Hero Add-On to an existing Standard
or Collector Viper Pack.
New Cockpit Items
Along with their complimentary delivery to eligible Viper owners, the following Cockpit Items are also now available for purchase in-game:
Viper Statue (Viper Standing Item): 750 MC
Viper (Viper Hanging Item): 500 MC
Viper Warhorn: 750 MC
Medusa Shield (Viper Early Adopter Hanging Item): 750 MC
New Badges and Titles
Viper Standard Pack (and Collector Pack)
"The Serpent"
Viper Collector Pack
"The Venom"
These Titles and Badges are only available through their associated Viper Pack. The Collector Pack comes with both.
'Mechs Now Available through Gift Store
The base variants that comprised the stable of 2015 Loyalty
'Mechs are now available for purchase through the Gift Store.
The Loadouts of these 'Mechs are identical to their 2015 Loyalty Variants, but
they do not possess the +30% C-Bill Boost or the special Loyalty
Armor Pattern of their 2015 Loyalty 'Mech counterparts.
• Cicada CDA-3F
• Executioner EXE-C
• Nova NVA-D
• Wolverine WVR-7D
• Zeus ZEU-9S2
Loadout details for these 'Mechs can be found here.
Until their release for in-game purchase with MC and C-Bills
these 'Mechs are only available through the Gift Store.
Release Date for MC: August 23rd 2016
Release Date for C-Bills: September 20th 2016
Viridian Bog (Updated Map)

Hover your mouse over the above image to view a Time of Day timelapse of the updated Viridian Bog.
Still image / Timelapse GIF
Informed by the feedback received in our recent Feedback and Thoughts thread, Viridian Bog has received a traversal, gameplay, and beautification pass in this patch. The primary focus here was to improve traversal throughout the map and improve the balance of central terrain features between the two Team spawns. We also took this opportunity to implement some improvements to Viridian’s aesthetics.
The primary changes to the practical layout of Viridian Bog are in the region of the central terrace mountain, where steps have been added in the D3/D4 sector regions to allow for more balanced access for players approaching from that side.
Terrace steps and ground objects, such as roots and carapaces, have received collision cleanups to improve traversal throughout the map.
On the aesthetic side, a number of improvements and changes have been made to Viridian. In addition to a Time of Day cycle, Viridian now has ToD-dependent weather patterns. Nights are dominated by heavy rains and lightning, with light drizzles in the early morning. Bio-luminescent plants, fireflies, and phytoplankton now populate the map.
Dynamic Time of Day
Time of Day on the new Viridian Bog is divided into four quadrants:
• Dawn - 20% chance of selection
• Day - 50% chance of selection
• Dusk - 20% chance of selection
• Night - 10% chance of selection
Breakable Objects
• Small trees
• Branches on large trees (try not to disturb the wildlife)
• Vines
• Fungi
Traversal and Gameplay Improvements
• Modified roots, snags, and small terrain features to be
breakable and/or easier to navigate.
• Improved traversal of all terrace steps.
• Step access to the central terrace has been added in D3/D4 region.
• Tightened collision meshes on arthropod carapaces.
• New weather effects: rain, thunder, and lightning at
• New particle effects: bio-luminescent plants, fireflies, and water (when
• Various aesthetic modifications and additions, such as a derelict DropShip,
long since surrendered to the Bog.
Chat System Fixes and Changes
• Players can now scroll through Chat windows using the
'Page Up' and 'Page Down' keys while the Chat window is active.
• The 'End' key will take you to the most recent Chat window message while the
Chat window is active.
• Fixed an issue where the 'Mech Destroyed and End of Round Chat windows could
be filled with partially-typed messages.
• Fixed an issue where Chat history would not carry over between screens, such
as in-game, 'Mech Destroyed, End of Round, etc.
Faction Play Fixes and Changes
• Freelancer Career: Freelancers are now able to view
the current balance of Intel on any Contested Planet by accessing its Scouting
• Call To Arms: The display of Call To Arms alerts can now be toggled
through Settings > Game > Notification Settings.
• Call To Arms: Fixed an issue where answering a Call To Arms for a
Planet you are already viewing could cause the Match search to fail.
• Call To Arms: Fixed an issue where answering a Scouting or Invasion
Call To Arms for a Planet while already viewing the other game mode tab for
that Planet (whether Invasion or Scouting) could cause you to remain on the
same tab.
• Planet Finder: Fixed an issue where the amount of Attackers/Defenders
on a given Planet would not populate when first accessing Faction Play.
• Planet Finder/Call To Arms: A new 'Other Activity' Category has been
added to list all available Call To Arms for contested Planets. The standard '#
of Attackers'/'# of Defenders' population values are displayed for each CTA
entry, along with an icon to denote whether the CTA is for Invasion or
Scouting. Selecting a CTA through the Planet Finder will reveal the standard
Planet Information window and place the player at the associated tab for the
Call To Arms type (Invasion or Scouting).
• Unit Coffers: Fixed an issue where the update of the player C-Bill
balance could be delayed after donating to Unit Coffers.
Gameplay Fixes and Changes
• Clan Ultra AC/10: Fixed an issue where firing
4 UAC/10s simultaneously would not incur the intended heat scale penalty.
• UAV: Removed the vertical hovering animation to eliminate an issue
with syncing its movement between the server and the client.
Changes to Long Tom Artillery
• Maximum amount of Damage that can be dealt to a single 'Mech is now 1320 DMG (120 DMG per Component).
• That is a reduction from the previous 1650 DMG (150 DMG per Component).
• Total Blast Radius is now 200 m (reduced from 300 m).
• Epicenter Damage Radius is now 30 m (reduced from 50 m).
• Epicenter Damage Radius is the Radius in which 'Mechs take maximum damage.
Quirk Adjustments
The following 'Mechs are receiving Quirk Adjustments in this patch:
Inner Sphere Lights
• Jenner (multiple variants)
• Locust (multiple variants)
Inner Sphere Mediums
• Blackjack (multiple variants)
• Centurion (CN9-AL)
• Kintaro (multiple variants)
• Phoenix Hawk (multiple variants)
Inner Sphere Heavies
• Catapult (multiple variants)
• Marauder (multiple variants)
• Quickdraw (multiple variants)
• Warhammer (multiple variants)
Inner Sphere Assaults
• Battlemaster (multiple variants)
Clan Lights
• Adder (ADR-A)
• Arctic Cheetah (multiple variants)
Clan Mediums
• Nova (multiple variants)
Clan Assaults
• Kodiak (multiple variants)
The PDF containing the IS Quirk Changes can be found here.
The PDF containing the Clan Quirk Changes can be found here.
Improvements to Saving Systems
The system for saving changes to your ‘Mechs has undergone an extensive technical overhaul in this patch.
While the original system for saving ‘Mech changes was functional, it was designed during a time when the stable of available ‘Mechs in MechWarrior Online was much smaller than it is today. To compound the issue, the saving system did not scale to account for the natural growth of a players Inventory as they acquired new content.
The crux of the issue with the original saving system came
down to two specific methods used while processing and committing changes to a
• Each step of the save would be processed individually.
• Each step of the save would cause the system to run a full check on the
entire player Inventory.
As an example, if you were applying a new Pattern, editing all three Color channels, replacing a weapon with another weapon, changing Armor values, and increasing the amount of Ammo equipped on your ‘Mech, the original saving system would process each of those steps individually. Further, after each step the system would perform a check of your entire Inventory to determine if any other Inventory values had changed. If you were simply adding an extra ton of AC/10 Ammo to a ‘Mech, the system would still check to determine if your Inventory of Gauss Rifles had changed. It would run a similar check for every item in your Inventory.
If a player had a small number of ‘Mechs in their Inventory this process wouldn’t be terribly noticeable, and saving would still appear fairly quick overall. As a player naturally increased their inventory of ‘Mechs or equipment however, the save process would soon begin to show its inefficiencies and introduce drastic increases to save times.
Another issue introduced with the step-by-step save process
could result in the long-standing ‘Invalid ‘Mech’ issue. If a step in the save
chain failed the save process would still continue and the save would be committed;
because the save had completed despite a failure during the attempt, the ‘Mech
could be flagged as Invalid.
This was obviously not a system we were happy with, and we have been working
extensively to address this. To that end we have tackled the primary
inefficiencies covered above.
As of this patch:
• No matter how many changes a player is committing in a
single save, the system will perform them in bulk as a single step.
• That single-step system will prevent all changes from being saved if any of
those changes fail.
• When committing any amount of changes the system will no longer check the
entire Inventory. It will only check and update the items that need to be
With these improvements saving should now be faster and more reliable. For players with a large Inventory, these improvements will be very noticeable. You can now spend more time playing, tweaking, and enjoying your ‘Mechs, rather than planning for retirement while waiting for the smallest of changes to save.
Quick Play Leaderboard Changes
Some changes are being made to the Quick Play Leaderboards in this patch.
• Quick Play Leaderboards now operate on a 'Season' system. The current Season can be seen at the top of the Leaderboard screen. The scheduled end date of the current Season is also presented there.
• If a match concludes after a new Quick Play Leaderboard Season has begun, the results of that match will contribute to the new Season.
• The default metric by which the Quick Play Leaderboard is sorted is now by Total Wins, rather than Average Match Score.
Map Fixes and Changes
• Boreal Vault: G7 - Fixed an issue where 'Mechs
could partially clip through various sections of Omega.
• Caustic Valley: B4 - Fixed an issue where a geyser formation had
no weapon collision.
• Crimson Strait: Fixed an issue where Machine Gun trail effects would
sometimes not appear when being fired inside the tunnel.
• Forest Colony: D5 - Fixed a floating Scouting Game Mode Intel
• Forest Colony: H9 - Fixed various floating objects.
• Frozen City (Domination): Spawn points have been adjusted to
balance the distribution of Teams relative to the beacon and surrounding cover.
• Grim Plexus: E6 - Fixed an issue where a portion of terrain had no
• River City: E6 - Fixed a floating rooftop pipe.
• Sulfurous Rift: E2 - Fixed a floating smokestack.
'Mech Fixes and Changes
• Adder (all variants): Fixed an issue with the
display of Mounted Lights.
• Atlas (all variants): Fixed an issue where the walk animation
would appear to hitch from inside the Cockpit.
• Battlemaster (BLR-1GHE): Fixed a cosmetic-only issue where the
beneficial Heat Transfer Quirk was displayed as red (detrimental).
• Black Knight (all variants): Fixed an issue where the Gatling Horn
Warhorn was not displaying correctly.
• Dragon (all variants): Fixed an issue where the Dragon would
appear to slide backwards during its reverse animation.
• Hunchback IIC (all variants): Fixed an issue with the display of the
Envious Eardrum Warhorn.
• Ice Ferret (IFR-Prime): Fixed an issue where the Top Reverse Speed was
listed as 105.7 KPH instead of the correct 99.3 KPH.
• Mauler (all variants): Chest geometry is now visible from inside the
• Orion IIC (all variants): Fixed an issue with the display of the New
Years Banner Item.
• Stormcrow (all variants): Fixed an issue where certain Standing Items
would float slightly above the Cockpit.
• Vindicator (all variants): Fixed an issue with the Secondary Color
Channel when the Snowfall Camo Pattern is applied.
• Vindicator (all variants): Fixed issues with the display of
various Hanging Items.
• Warhammer (all variants): Fixed some seams that were (barely) visible
in the Upper and Lower Torso regions.
• Fixed an issue where Damage Glow would not appear when 'Mechs were hit by
DropShip lasers.
• Fixed an issue that could cause 'Mechs with a Torso Twist angle
greater than 180 degrees to violently jitter if attempting to twist beyond 180
• The material system used for all 'Mechs has undergone a pass to slightly
reduce the amount of darkening to Camo Patterns in certain maps and lighting
conditions. If texture darkness is something you have noticed in the past, we
want to stress that the improvement you'll see in this patch may not be as
drastic as you might hope. This initial pass is the first in what will be an
ongoing process, with additional material improvements slated for future
'Mech Pattern Retrofits
• Jenner (all variants): Can now equip all Inner
Sphere Faction Camo Patterns.
• King Crab (all variants): Can now equip all standard Camo Patterns.
• UrbanMech (all variants): Can now equip all standard Camo Patterns.
MechLab Fixes and Changes
• Camo Spec: Fixed an issue where certain 'Mech
variants would appear to shake momentarily when equipping a Pattern.
• Cockpit: Fixed an issue where certain 'Mech variants would appear to
shake momentarily when equipping Cockpit Items.
• Cockpit: Fixed an issue where the Pilot hand would appear to shake
momentarily when equipping Cockpit Items in a 'Mech.
• Cockpit: Fixed an issue where the Catapult Cockpit would appear to
shift side-to-side.
• Cockpit: Fixed an issue where certain items were not fully visible
through the Cockpit Item screen when equipped onto the Crab, Enforcer, Mauler,
and Wolfhound 'Mechs.
• Select 'Mech: Fixed an issue where changing the name of a 'Mech would
not immediately update the name in the 'Mech portrait.
• Select 'Mech: Fixed an issue where Skill Medallions were appearing
lower than intended inside the 'Mech portraits.
• Select 'Mech: Fixed an issue where the Expand/Collapse All buttons
would not function when filtering by a single Weight Class.
• Store: Fixed an issue where accessing the 'View in MechLab' option for
the Raven RVN-3L would cause a Seismic Sensor item to appear in the Head after
removing an equipped item.
• Warehouse: Fixed an issue where sorting by Type could work incorrectly
after equipping Weapons.
• Warehouse: Fixed an issue where Clan Ultra AC/10 and Clan AC/10 Damage
values were listed as 9.99 instead of 10.
• The Lighting system inside the MechLab has been adjusted. As a result,
lighting will appear more even across the 'Mech and certain shadowing artifacts
have been eliminated.
Other Fixes and Changes
• Achievements: Fixed an issue where the Headshot
Machine Achievement was not displaying the correct percentage.
• Crash Fix: Fixed a crash that could occur inside the Frozen City
• Crash Fix: Fixed a crash that could occur if particles were not
cleaned up correctly at the end of a match.
• Crash Fix: Fixed crashes that could occur when leaving a match or
exiting the game.
• Cockpit Item: Fixed an issue with the display of the Jade Falcon Hex
• Connectivity Fix: Possible fix for an issue that could cause a player
to receive the "Servers are going down in one minute" alert in every
match, when no such maintenance is pending.
• Display: Fixed an issue where loading screens would appear distorted
and cropped on triple-monitor setups.
• Intro: Fixed an issue where players could get stuck with a 'Unit
Pledge Loyalty' confirmation prompt while at the Launch Tutorial screen.
• Performance: Minor improvements to game performance with the 'Mech
targeting system.
• Private Lobby: Fixed an issue where the Time of Day dropdown would
inherit the state of the previously selected Map if the newly selected Map did
not support Time of Day.
• Saving: Fixed an issue where customized Weapon Groups for Trial 'Mechs
were not being saved.
• Settings (Audio): Fixed the inconsistent spacing between VoIP
Mode/Device dropdowns.
• Settings (Audio): Fixed an issue where decreasing the VoIP Release
Delay from 3 to 0 could cause incorrect values to momentarily appear.
• Settings (Video): Fixed the inconsistent spacing between various
• Settings (Video): Fixed an issue where the Advanced Options window
would overlap its border.
• Spectating: Fixed an issue where Spectators would see infinite
Distance to Target in the pilot HUD.
• Statistics (Game Mode Stats): Invasion has been added.
• Statistics (Map Stats): Fixed an issue where Faction Play Map
stats were being submitted for the wrong Map.
• Statistics ('Mech Stats): Fixed an issue where 'Damage Done' stat
for Faction Play matches was not contributing to Player Stats.
• Statistics ('Mech Stats): Fixed an issue where a 'Mech being destroyed
during a Faction Play Invasion match would count as a destruction for all
'Mechs in the Invasion Drop Deck.
• Statistics (Weapon Stats): Fixed an issue where the 'Time Equipped'
and 'Matches' stats for Faction Play matches were not contributing to Player
• Statistics (Weapon Stats): Fixed an issue where the 'Time
Equipped' and 'Matches' stats for Quick Play matches were not contributing to
Player Stats if the Player survived the match.
• Store: Fixed an issue where the first-accessed Mastery Bundle Details
Tool Tip would appear blank.
Known Issues
• Decals: 'Mech Decals may occasionally project onto surfaces surrounding the 'Mech.
• Decals: When overlayed onto Cockpit Glass
black colors will appear invisible.
• Decals: Switching from an already applied Color-supported Decal
to a Color-locked Decal (such as a Faction insignia) and then back to a
Color-supported Decal will revert the Decal Color to its default.
• Decals: Some of the Map Decals on Tourmaline Desert, Grim Portico, Grim Plexus, HPG Manifold, Vitric Forge have been temporarily removed to avoid a rendering issue with
'Mech Decals. These Map Decals will be restored in a future patch when a
solution is in place.
• Decals: 'Mech Decals can sometimes overlay onto map geometry when the 'Mech is colliding with it.
Patch Files (Direct Download)
To make the patching process easier for players with limited
download caps, we'll be providing direct download links for the patch file(s)
that comprise this patch. This will allow you to download the patch file(s)
elsewhere, for manual injection into the MWO patcher through a Patch Cache folder.
Aside from allowing you to download the patch file(s) elsewhere, on another
connection, there are no additional benefits to performing the patch this way;
the patching process itself will be the same.
This direct patch download process will only work for players running the standalone client. It does not apply to players running MWO through Steam.
Patch File(s): http://patcher.mwomercs.com/patch/Production/frontend/FrontendPatch_275.zip
How to use these patch files
• Download the above file(s)
• For sake of ease we recommend creating a dedicated folder for the patch
file(s), such as 'MWO Patch Cache'
• You do not need to unzip or unpack the patch file(s)
• Launch the standard MWO launcher
• Click the gear icon in the top right of the launcher window
• Choose the 'Specify Patch File Cache' option
• In the field that appears, paste or enter the location in which you saved the
patch file(s) and hit OK
• For example, C:\Users\<username>\Documents\MWO Patch Cache
• Click the blue Patch button
• The launcher will now check the Patch Cache folder you defined. If it locates
the required patch files, it will unpack and use those files to apply the
• Once the patch is complete, launch the game!