Weekly Community Spotlight!
Hello MechWarriors, welcome to the Community
This is a weekly announcement to keep you up to date on what’s currently going
on in MWO’s player-run events, creations and more!
Community Run Tournaments!
- The Major League MechWarrior Tournament first round of matches start next Monday!
There are currently 24 teams signed up with the prize pool at $3850 !
Check out the signed up teams and prize details on http://www.majorleaguemechwarrior.com/
Contact Homeless Bill or email majorleaguemechwarrior@gmail.com for more details!
- Run Hot or Die Tournament Season 6
Week 4 match streamed last night, with EmP vs. CSJx, Click here to watch the match!
Upcoming match for week 5:
Empyreal vs. Restless Adders, Sunday the 19th at 9:15PM EST
Sky Rangers vs. Apocalypse Lancers, Monday the 20th at 9:20PM EST
Check on MWOLN Website for details on future matches.
-Mercenary Review Bonding Comission Tournament League still taking signups for Season 5!!
The MRBC is a league based on division where each division
has 4 teams, win your division and go up a division next season, come last and
go down.
This is great for teams looking to get into competition as they can start from
the bottom and work their way up as they improve!
Read the MRBC league rules
Player Creation of the Week!
Thurston Bloodstone has created detailed hand built models! Including a story of the history.
Take a look at the full gallery of this image below:
See the full gallery of this image below:
Streamer of the week!
Watch RjBass3 run a 24 Hours Mechathon stream charity this weekend April 18th starting at 9AM CST!
Player Created Guides
Have you seen the number of UrbanMech guides lately?
Take a look at the Light Mech Guides forums.
Gameplay of the week!
Super fun Urbie gameplay compilation video by Krivvan!
Contact community@mwomercs.com with your details!