It's new! It's exciting! It's the LANCE OF HEROES Weekend!
These 4 Heroes will be receiving an additional 20% C-bill boost to their Hero Bonus; Earning an amazing 50% C-bills boost for the weekend.
This C-Bill bonus applies in any and all public matches played over this weekend while using the following 'Mechs:
Light - Spider - Anansi
Medium - Vindicator- St Ives Blues
Heavy - Quickdraw - IV four
Assault - Battlemaster - Hellslinger
Event Type: 'Mech Reward Bonus
Event Begins: Friday, September 26th, 2014 at 10AM PDT / 1PM EDT / 5PM UTC.
Event Ends: Tuesday, September 30th, 2014 at 10AM PDT / 1PM EDT / 5PM UTC.
Don't forget to check out the Lance Challenge for an opportunity to win GXP and Premium Time!