Assault vs. The World Tournament Winners!

by InnerSphereNews in [ Announcements ] on, Jul 23, 2013 3:37 PM UTC 68  comments

We’d like to offer congratulations to the winners of the Assault vs. The World tournament! It was a pleasure to play with all of you, and it was a great turnout. So without further ado – here are your winners!


  1. Edmiester – 1925
  2. PEEFsmash – 300
  3. Discobird – 300
  4. Fire and Salt – 300
  5. Pikachar – 300


  1. Sayeko – 1925
  2. Hamid – 300
  3. chiXu – 300
  4. Patient X – 300
  5. Oblivion5000 – 300


  1. Eclisse – 1925
  2. Proton – 300
  3. Nick Drezary – 300
  4. FunkMasterTaco – 300
  5. The Trice – 300


  1. Bluecricket – 1925
  2. Pilej – 300
  3. Wolger – 300
  4. Mavek – 300
  5. Senor Fuego – 300


  1. Pat Kell – 1925
  2. Goto Bad – 300
  3. RighteousFury – 300
  4. Karr285 – 300
  5. NEUR0MANCER – 300


  1. Aethos – 1925
  2. CaptnXploder – 300
  3. Aniviron – 300
  4. Dyrael – 300
  5. Galdivar – 300


  1. kaffeangst – 1925
  2. Rippthrough – 300
  3. MadSavage - 300
  4. Deathlike - 300
  5. Alex Gorsky - 300

Congratulations to our winners, and we wish better luck next time to everyone else. We will definitely be holding more tournaments, so stay tuned!

See you on the battlefield, MechWarriors!
The MechWarrior Online Team